Wednesday, January 22, 2020

IV Therapy New York, NY and Dr Vladimir Alexeyenko have Just Published an Informative Blog Post on IV Therapy

IV Therapy New York NY and Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko, have just recently published a new blog on their website. This blog is an informative piece that gives some good information about what their clinic does and how they do it. It seeks to clear up some of the questions surrounding this medical practice that is now becoming quite commonplace in many cities across the USA.

Vladimir Alexeyenko, MD consults with a patient during an IV Therapy appointment in New York, NY

Dr. Alexeyenko, the founder and chief practitioner at the clinic, talked about why he wrote the article by saying, “The clinic and I decided to create this blog article because of all the myths, rumors and misconceptions that are going around about IV Therapy. There really is no mystery at all to this procedure. Administering IV’s is a time-tested, safe, and relatively painless medical procedure that is done in hospitals around the world every day and it’s been that way for a long time. What makes IV’s administered by us different from those in hospitals is the setting that they are done in and what we put in the intravenous solution. After reading the blog we hope you will be much more enlightened as to what our IV therapy is all about and how the procedure is performed.”

Dr. Alexeyenko says the therapy itself is not aimed at curing any type of illness or disease. It is strictly a wellness therapy. Any type of wellness therapy can best be described as a treatment that is designed to help keep the human body in as healthy a state as possible. He gives working out at the gym, eating healthy, and drinkie nutrient-rich fruit smoothies as activities that are theoretically wellness therapies in one form or another. The same can be said for IV therapy. The doctor noted that it takes a combination of several different wellness therapies to keep the human body in a healthy state. He also added that some wellness therapies are better at this than others because they are targeted therapies instead of being generic therapies. The therapy that takes place at IV Therapy New York, NY falls into the category of a more targeted wellness therapy. Dr. Alexeyenko also pointed out that people come to his clinic to get IV therapy for many different reasons but all have the goal of overall wellness in mind.

The clinic’s founder also described how they administer their IV therapy in the blog article blog in case anyone has been wondering how “IV therapy near me” works. He said it’s done in a much different setting than the stuffy rooms and somewhat impersonal IV’s that are done in hospitals while wearing an open-back gown. Their New York clinic is brightly colored and nicely decorated in a way that provides a more serene setting where patients can relax. There also are no uncomfortable gurneys to lay down on or huge needles used during the procedure. Dr. Alexeyenko said they use a very minimally invasive technique to insert the IV and it’s all done with the patient sitting comfortably upright. The doctor said that getting an IV done in a clinical setting like theirs has other benefits too besides just being done in a more comfortable setting. He says it tends to be less expensive and since IV treatments are all they do at the clinic, the procedure is usually much less time consuming too.

Vladimir Alexeyekno, MD with a patient inserting a catheter during an IV Therapy appointment. Dr. Alexeyemo explains how IC therapy works and how much it costs.

Most of the people that have undergone the treatment have had nothing but good things to say about the procedure itself. Here is what a recent patient Greg K. had to say about his experience with IV Therapy New York, NY, “Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko is one of those rare doctors that spend a ton of time with you. He is friendly and conversational during the appointment and never makes you feel rushed. His staff is also incredibly friendly. I would highly recommend his office. The location is also really nice.”

Dr. Alexeyenko encourages those who are interested in IV therapy vitamins to read the blog article. He also mentioned they are always available during office hours to answer questions on the treatment that interested parties have.

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